‘A cry for help’: Sonnel G. Hanley is a homeless resident on Tortola

Many of our neighbours, including the United States Virgin Islands and other Caribbean countries (Trinidad and Tobago, Dominican Republic, and Barbados), have seen an increase in their homeless population within the past 10 years.
There are growing economic hardships with many residents in the Virgin Islands, especially those at the margins now falling into poverty, coupled with some with mental health challenges.
Help for Sonnel?
One of the well-known homeless persons in the VI, as he is a staple in the business district in Road Town, is Mr Sonnel G. Hanley. Some have used him as political props, posting him on their Facebook page claiming they are trying to help him.
Others have seen him as a menace to society for being aggressive in asking/begging for money, with his hygiene unbearable. Many times he is seen dirty and dribbling.
There have been reports of him cursing residents and visitors when he is not given enough money or no money at all, showing private body parts, while others have dismissed him as just “lazy and needs to go and look for work”. Others have claimed that he has mental challenges.
However, Mr Hanley- in a brief conversation with this reporter- noted that he became “homeless after I was put out by my father” and now lives in an old jeep in Road Town, the capital city.
Be kind, it could be you!
There are many kind residents who try their best to help. They give Mr Hanley money when they have it, food and try to help him where they can. Others talk to him and try to steer him in the right direction in a genuine way. It is clear he can hold a conversation but is a resident who needs help.
It remains unclear how the state, through the Social Development Department, helps residents in this condition. Mrs Annie Malone-Frett, Chief Social Development Officer in the Social Development Department, did not respond to our request for information.
While many have dismissed Mr Hanley and have no sympathy for his unfortunate condition, we must remember that we are all humans and any of us at some point could become homeless, as many residents continue to live from pay cheque to pay cheque. In addition, many residents have claimed to be of the Christian or Muslim faith, but have not shown any love or compassion for the least of us, as Jesus Christ or Allah would have done.
We need to help Sonnel clean up himself, get him off the streets, get the housing he requires and, if there are no mental issues (if there are get him the appropriate help, as mental issues are not a crime or a stigma to be rejected by others or should not prevent someone from getting employment), to find him a job and get back to being a productive member of our society. Helping Sonnel will speak volumes to the heart and soul of our Virgin Islands.



74 Responses to “‘A cry for help’: Sonnel G. Hanley is a homeless resident on Tortola”
Many churches in the VI has outreach programs that assist person like him. I would like to inform you all that Family Support was started by the Anglican churches here in the VI. Sis. Marlene Penn-Trotman and Sis Judith Charles to name a few started that on the compound of St. Georges Church and over a time it grew to what it is today. This program has assisted many not only with food, but housing, health checks and victims of SA and domestic violence. Sis Penn-Trotman once said while talking about the services, that many Saturdays they came to set up early morning and would meet person there on the steps waiting on them. Please give Family Support some support. Thanks.
Now on to another issue, I have notice that whenever the church speaks out about the ills of this society or any society they are attacked. We attack the pastor, the priest, members of the church and anyone associated with the church. We say all manner of things about them (I'm sure some of them do not know these things about themselves) and even states that religion is backwards and wishful thinking. Some have call it fairy tales and sky dreams. Keep insulting God and see what will happen. I've also notice that when thing go wrong and consequences of our actions shows up, the first person we call on is the Church and want to know what they are doing about these issues. We suddenly remember God exist. Along they have been telling us to quit doing wrong.
After witnessing this man attack a woman on the street, I feel no sympathy for him whatsoever. If he does not have family in the Virgin Islands, but his parents do have relatives in their native country, it stands to reason that his extended family should provide him with housing support. Therefore, the government ought to arrange for his departure.
they say when the pastor need a new car, they say give more.. when you say i need help, they say "lets Pray" lollol
listed by the USA . We need to reach out and show interest in that area..arranging for their exit...assuming they are BVIslanders.
Taking steps to secure a positive relationship as best as we could in urgency should be an urgent a priority..
His parents and him has given a big minus and the middle finger to this their chosen country of refuge. Long time this sponge is beyond real help....
In the B.V.I the majority of beggars and homeless person refused to work. They eat, drink, walk, talk and beg, only.
However, he needs urgent help. He should not be overlooked by those of us who can help him. Many of us can, but outright refuse to help.
Question: Is Sandy Lain still in operation?
Answer: yes.
How can a person in need refuse food and sheltrr over their head.
.etc.Prison and social assist are maxed out.
Sonnel used to live with his mom in Purcell but he didn't want to go look work just eat and sleep was his daily routine his mother got upset by this every day nonesense and told him to get out and go live with his father in free bottom his father who was and still is a fisherman would go out early mornings to fish and come back and try to sell his fish to make ends meet Sonnell big and lazy didn't even want to help his father clean the fish much less help to sell all he wanted to do was eat eat eat so Wat you expect his father to do just being lazy around the home not helping doing nothing ....he put him out after that he went over csy beach and that's where he was living untill he move to the a o Shirley grounds and then Noel Lloyd park not sure where he is now
Who want feel pity and sorry for Sonnell can but I won't he to lazy he is NOT a drug addict nor is he an alcholic and he a$$ ain't mental either he just wants free hand outs well not from Me make him work for his keep he has no right to be in that condition he have himself that way
I said what I said
Let someone box you down for no good reason, or drop their pants and show you their moldy eggs and sausage and tell me you wouldn't see them as a menace. I've seen him throw rocks at women who are just talking by and minding their business.
“God is real”
That is your belief but it does mot make it true.
All the best.
That guy is in need of help and most not be turned a blind eye to as he can affect any one of us.
My heart breaks for anyone in this situation. Despite what my own understanding might say I will not lean to it. I'm sorry to see this is his result of bad choices but I do hope one day I'll see him clean and being in a good place in his life.