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$700K goal set by Rotary Club of Tortola for The Grand Affair

- fundraising event slated for March 25, 2023 @ Government House
The Grand Affair Committee Chairperson Past Assistant District Governor Mrs Lorna G. Smith, 2nd from left; Past District Governor Mrs Delma Maduro, centre; President Mrs Valerie George- Thomas, 2nd from right; Vice President Abby O’Neal, left; and Past President Mr Henry O. Creque, right, at a Rotary Club of Tortola press conference on January 10, 2023. Photo: VINO
After a 7-year-hiatus, the Rotary Club of Tortola's signature fundraising event, The Grand Affair, which was last held in 2016, will be returning in March 2023. Photo: VINO/File
After a 7-year-hiatus, the Rotary Club of Tortola's signature fundraising event, The Grand Affair, which was last held in 2016, will be returning in March 2023. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The Rotary Club of Tortola has set out to raise at least $700,000 via the return of one of their largest fundraiser events, The Grand Affair, which it has not been able to execute since 2017 due to the major disaster of that year and the subsequent COVID-19 pandemic.

$700k target

This announcement was made on January 10, 2023, at a press conference with a panel of club members that included the Grand Affair Committee Chairperson Past Assistant District Governor Mrs Lorna G. Smith, Past District Governor Mrs Delma Maduro, President Mrs Valerie George- Thomas, Vice President Abby O’Neal and Past President Mr Henry O. Creque.

Announcing the target, Mrs Smith said, “And yes, we have raised as much as $350,000. I think that is the highest we have gotten to and we have become very ambitious this year and we want to double that to $700,000. We know that with your help, the community’s help, we can reach that.”

‘We hope to establish’ YEP centre in RT- Smith

The Club is concentrating on two beneficiaries this year, including the Youth Empowerment Programme (YEP), “and we hope to establish another centre in Road Town.”

Mrs Smith explained that this may not be the construction of a building but can also mean the renting of an appropriate space in an existing building. “We definitely want to have another centre in Road Town and we have been given the requisite permission to proceed.”

BVIHSA to benefit

The other area of primary focus with the funds raised will be toward improving cancer treatment and prevention in the territory.

“We have always worked with the [BVI] Health Services Authority. The hospital has been the recipient of hundreds of thousands [of dollars] in the past from the Rotary Club of Tortola and we have also given substantially to the Iris O’Neal Clinic.

“So the Health Services is one of our partners, so we are delighted to contribute in this fashion.”

Tickets for the event cost $200 each.

The glamorous dinner and auction known as The Grand Affair, will be held on March 25, 2023, at Government House under the patronage of Governor John J. Rankin, CMG.

The theme is Havana Nights.

13 Responses to “$700K goal set by Rotary Club of Tortola for The Grand Affair”

  • Heh! (12/01/2023, 09:36) Like (27) Dislike (1) Reply
    Why all of them look so bored or tired or sad? Did you all now this photo was going to be published? I think not.
    • hmm (12/01/2023, 12:07) Like (10) Dislike (6) Reply
      Because dem tired thiefing from the poor to give the rich and a few poor friends.
      • smh (13/01/2023, 07:36) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        @lol from the poor? Are you kidding yourself? I can’t see no poor spending $200 on a ticket that’s will benefit a good cause; however I’ve seen the poor spending huge chunk of money to buy the new iPhone 14. If anyone is stealing money it’s from the rich/ wealthy not the poor.
  • Nice work (12/01/2023, 11:00) Like (5) Dislike (10) Reply
    Amazing!! By far the best club in the BVI!!
  • Santo (12/01/2023, 11:12) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Let’s go yall
  • age (12/01/2023, 12:04) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    If You Live Long Enough, Age Will Show Up On Your Face!!
  • Watchful Eyes (12/01/2023, 12:10) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    Let's hope that that money won't be used to fund somebody's political campaign
  • Hmmm. (12/01/2023, 15:15) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    Another Car Raffle set up for an inside winner...End the they get all that money and the said car back for another raffle..
  • Funny (12/01/2023, 15:33) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    they need to raise that money to rent a unit from themselves...
  • LookSee (12/01/2023, 17:26) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dem flag out.
  • Why the sad faces (12/01/2023, 21:16) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    They don’t look very enthused to me.
  • Vegetables (13/01/2023, 11:10) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    They don't look right
  • WOW (16/01/2023, 03:59) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I just read through the comments and it is amazing the way some people think. Our mentality really needs a shake up. These organizations try their best to help our community and all some of us can do is find something negative to say! SHAME ON ALL OF YOU WHO COMMENTED NEGATIVELY ABOUT THIS ARTICLE. YOU SHOULD ALL TAKE A PAGE OUT OF THEIR BOOK AND DO SOMETHING WORTHWHILE FOR YOUR COMMUNITY INSTEAD OF CONTINUING TO BE SO LIMITED WITH YOUR THINKING. NO MATTER HOW MUCH GOOD SOMEONE DOES, IT IS NEVER APPRECIATED AND NEVER ENOUGH!!

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