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284 Media should 'bring responsible journalism'- Julio S. Henry

- media house challenged to quote sources following ‘fake news’ branded article
Community activist and Social Commentator Julio S. Henry has called on the local 284 Media organization to practice more responsible journalism regarding their news reporting. Photo: VINO/File
In the now branded ‘fake news’ 284 Media article, entitle ‘BVI government to make vaccines mandatory for all frontline workers including teachers or be subject to a bi-monthly COVID-19 test, CEO informs education stakeholders,” Julio S. Henry said that the media organization should quote their sources. Photo: VINO
In the now branded ‘fake news’ 284 Media article, entitle ‘BVI government to make vaccines mandatory for all frontline workers including teachers or be subject to a bi-monthly COVID-19 test, CEO informs education stakeholders,” Julio S. Henry said that the media organization should quote their sources. Photo: VINO
Health Minister, Hon Carvin Malone (AL) has also refuted the reporting via a Facebook comment saying, ‘Vaccines are not mandatory, and will not be mandatory.' Photo: GIS/File
Health Minister, Hon Carvin Malone (AL) has also refuted the reporting via a Facebook comment saying, ‘Vaccines are not mandatory, and will not be mandatory.' Photo: GIS/File
On March 19, 2021, 284 Media had rushed to post a story about an alleged double murder without investigating or receiving proper confirmation from police authorities. They later adjusted their story to say the reports were fake. Photo: VINO
On March 19, 2021, 284 Media had rushed to post a story about an alleged double murder without investigating or receiving proper confirmation from police authorities. They later adjusted their story to say the reports were fake. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Community activist and Social Commentator Mr Julio S. Henry aka 'Sam' has called on the local news outfit, 284 Media, to practice more responsible journalism.

Henry was at the time speaking as a telephone guest on this morning’s Thursday, June 10, 2021, edition of the ‘Da Morning Braff’ hosted by Floyd Burnett aka 'Heritage'.

‘Quote your sources’ – Henry to 284 Media

In the now branded ‘fake news’ 284 Media article with headline ‘BVI government to make vaccines mandatory for all frontline workers including teachers or be subject to a bi-monthly COVID-19 test, CEO informs education stakeholders,” Henry said that the media organisation should quote its sources.

Henry also indicated that the reporting had contradicted the Government’s known position on the issue.

“My Government said there are not right now considering mandatory vaccination for anybody, frontline or not, so I believe that… I haven’t seen it done, I haven’t seen any paperwork from Cabinet, from the Government, so I believe that,” he said.

“284 Media will have to declare where they got their source from, I think if you’re going to bring responsible journalism then quote your source,” he said.

In its article, 284 Media said that education stakeholders, including school principals, on June 9, 2021, were told by the acting Chief Education Officer, Connie E. George of the Government’s alleged plan for mandatory vaccinations, however, it neither quoted Mrs George nor stated whether it had sought confirmation from alternative sources.

Education CEO refutes claims of 284 Media article

Since being declared 'Fake news', Premier Andrew A. Fahie (R1) in a statement last evening June 9, 2021, also refuted the claims by indicating that the Government has not approved such a policy, neither has Cabinet.

284 Media indicated that they stand by their reporting; however, Mrs George has also refuted the claims, telling Virgin Islands News Online (VINO), "[I] made no such statement".

According to Premier Fahie, “Your Government remains resolute to date, to not make mandatory the taking of vaccines. We have always stated that it is each person's choice whether they want to be vaccinated or not.”

Health Minister, Hon Carvin Malone (AL) also refuted the reporting via a Facebook comment, saying: "Vaccines are not mandatory, and will not be mandatory.”

Irresponsible journalism

It is not the first time 284 Media has created public frenzy by publishing misinformation.

On March 19, 2021, 284 Media reported that two bodies were found with gunshot wounds at the Frenchman's Cay bridge.

The news site had published false information circulating on social media without seeking verification from authorities.

It later adjusted its story to say the reports were fake.

27 Responses to “284 Media should 'bring responsible journalism'- Julio S. Henry”

  • Jack (10/06/2021, 14:23) Like (12) Dislike (6) Reply

    They like to rush news, 284 even has a big spelling error in their headline, bunch of amateurs 

    • not so (10/06/2021, 15:13) Like (19) Dislike (3) Reply
      small things man, those young people doing a good job... they just need a little more training.
      • Sam need a new job (10/06/2021, 16:49) Like (12) Dislike (4) Reply
        ... becasue nobody aint getting into him bus until he have vacination
  • hmm (10/06/2021, 14:27) Like (13) Dislike (15) Reply
    I don't follow 284. Far to many times they have mislead the public with fake news. Its sickening how many time .
  • hi (10/06/2021, 14:29) Like (11) Dislike (11) Reply
    This is the result when you have a bunch of amatures running what seem to be a news outlet .
  • SHUT UP (10/06/2021, 14:40) Like (63) Dislike (17) Reply
    It is NOT FAKE NEWS! I am a teacher and yesterday while in principal's meeting we the teachers were asked to give a count of the number of teachers who are fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated and not vaccinated. So there is truths to this. when asked was said the CEO wants to know because if we are not vaccinated, we would be tested ever so often. So you SHUT UP!!!!!! from looking clout!
    • my2cents (10/06/2021, 20:31) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
      How is that the same as a vaccine mandate to got to work though? Were you told that unless you get the vaccine you will be terminated?
    • GTFOH (11/06/2021, 02:57) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
      Being asked if you are vaccinated doesn't mean that a policy is coming. I work for a private company and we too were asked questions about our status and if we were interested in taking the vaccine. Every company that is exposed to the public should be at least curious about this especially since the last year and change has been all about Covid.
    • Idiot (11/06/2021, 08:22) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
      So you don't want to vaccinate and you don't want to get tested but you want to be around people, especially children? You're a selfish idiot.
    • hmm (11/06/2021, 09:06) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
      That’s your conclusion from that meeting? Lol no wonder the BVI so over populated with idiots, if the teachers themselves are idiots.
    • :) (11/06/2021, 13:01) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ shut up, your comment disqualifies you from being a teacher. You clearly lack basic comprehension skills or is just plain stupid. Please do us all a favor and respond with the name of the school where you are employed so that we can make an informed decision about our children's future.
  • Go Siddung! (10/06/2021, 14:46) Like (27) Dislike (10) Reply
    Really Julio? You could talk? Oh, wait! I forgot. You are NOT a journalist. Just an angry man spewing venom and piddle.
  • Rubber Duck (10/06/2021, 14:50) Like (9) Dislike (19) Reply
    They want to be like vino but they not ready
  • Yellow Pages (10/06/2021, 14:57) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    "Responsible journalism"... What a concept!
  • my2cents (10/06/2021, 14:58) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
    They are fighting for more publicity in a small market with much competition. Perhaps they can't quote their source bc it's not an official source and just someone else's opinion. Whoever that may be. I think it's irresponsible journalism and there may be an ulterior motive to it all. Why prey on vaccine fears and conspiracies without facts, where is that standard accepted? In school I had to quote sources on my papers and it was a beating but it had to be done. Aren't the standards are much more for journalists? 284 made it up is my opinion.
  • jokes (10/06/2021, 15:06) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    He gonna come on Burnetts show and talk about responsible journalism. No credibility at all
  • old people (10/06/2021, 15:22) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    Old people say where there is smoke there is fire. Truth be told media needs to be more responsible. Running with truth and facts are important.
  • Doubtful (10/06/2021, 15:48) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    This story did not same so fake. I hope the CEO not backpeddling now. She is after all a devout Christian right?
  • Rubber Duck (10/06/2021, 16:08) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    Does the audience for these “ radio shows “ ever get into double figures?
  • yea sam (10/06/2021, 16:22) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    sam fan the flames: some times sam on the river;
    some times sam on the bank:some
    may say sam roles with the highest bidders: some time ndp some times vip some times cindy
  • Tired of Sam.. (10/06/2021, 16:24) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
    Sam is a complete and total hater of the vaccine, as a matter afact he is a dont take the vaccine advocate...He is a Taxi man, I dont know how he is going to manage his taxi business going fodward with that mentality...
  • Who to believe (10/06/2021, 16:32) Like (13) Dislike (5) Reply
    ...... There is one person involved in this that everyone KNOWS not to believe in any way and that is Ms. George.... so I side with 284 Media on this one.....
  • ANOTHER ONE (10/06/2021, 16:57) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
  • HAHA (11/06/2021, 02:44) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Check the ties of 284media to the former government.
  • good news (11/06/2021, 06:16) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    The good news is that Sam learning. After all he did his share of irresponsible broadcasting in his tv days. Had a tendency to run with unverified information from any unknown caller who would say anything he, as host, wanted to hear.
  • ACe Spoon Coons (11/06/2021, 09:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Got some MANdatory stuff happening in peoples lives every day. Weed smoking. Rum drinking. Beer drinking. Over eating. Woman running. Man running. Constant hawking, gawking and gaping; nosiness and useless stress.
  • PSA (11/06/2021, 09:54) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Julio S. Henry, You need to be banded.

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