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2017 RT Festival Village to be named in honour of late Neil A. Blyden

- Mrs Alda Dawson-Lettsome & Mr Oliver ‘Ollie’ Turnbull the respective East End/Long Look & Carrot Bay honourees
The festival village in Road Town will this year, 2017, be named in honour of the late radio personality and businessman Mr Neil A. Blyden aka Mr Melee. Photo: VINO/File
The festival grounds in Road Town will start soon start taking shape for Virgin Islands Emancipation Festival 2017. Photo: VINO/File
The festival grounds in Road Town will start soon start taking shape for Virgin Islands Emancipation Festival 2017. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The late Mr Neil A. Blyden aka Mr Melee has been named as the honouree of the 2017 Emancipation Festival in Road Town.

Radio personality and businessman Mr Blyden, who passed away on January 1, 2017, was known for this contribution to the development of culture in the Virgin Islands.

“Each year the VIFFC decides on a well deserving person for each village to honour during our celebrations,” a press release from the Virgin Islands Festival and Fairs Committee (VIF&FC) stated.

This year’s Emancipation Celebrations will take place from Sunday, July 30, 2017 to Saturday August 12, 2017. The Official Opening Ceremony will take place on Monday, July 31, 2017, preceded by the Annual Torch Light Procession. Immediately following the Opening Ceremony, the village is expected to host one of its largest Cultural Nights.

Fitting honour

“We are indeed pleased to name the Road Town Village in honour of the late Mr Neil Blyden. Mr Blyden who passed away earlier this year was instrumental in the staging of Festivals throughout the Virgin Islands and the development of our local artists,” the VIF&FC press release stated.

Chairman of the VIFFC, Mr Trefor A. Grant, said “This year’s honouree is quite fitting. Mr Melee could always be counted on for his expert advice in productions, access to his international connections, and for promoting festival continuously and without favour on his radio station.”

Alda Dawson-Lettsome & Mr Oliver ‘Ollie’ Turnbull other honourees

Meanwhile, the East End Long Look Festival Committee will honour Mrs Alda Dawson-Lettsome for her contribution and support to the EE/LL Festival and also a former member of their committee.

East End Village will run from Tuesday, August 8 to Wednesday, August 9, 2017.

The Carrot Bay Cultural Fiesta will be held from Thursday, August 10 to Friday, August 11, 2017.

The Carrot Cultural Fiesta Fisherman’s Tournament Sub-Committee will be honouring Mr Oliver "Ollie" Turnbull. He hails from the village of Carrot Bay, and has been fishing from a teenager.

Mr Turnbull has been hearing impaired from an early age while in Primary School.

Sub-Committee Chair Judy Ann Smith said “This year we have chosen to honour Mr Turnbull because, despite his challenge it does not stop him from following his passion of fishing”.

Theme & Slogan

The year’s combined theme and slogan for Emancipation Festival is: “A Colorful kaleidoscope to be Seen, Creating a Cultural Scene for Festival 2017”.

The combined winning theme and slogan was submitted by Kayasha Mactavious and Tiana Hewitt, who will both be presented with a cheque for $250.00.

The platinum sponsor for the 2017 Emancipation Festival Celebrations is CCT Life Unlimited (CCT).

8 Responses to “2017 RT Festival Village to be named in honour of late Neil A. Blyden”

  • Tis good and bad (11/06/2017, 11:06) Like (9) Dislike (6) Reply
    Tis good that we honouring mr melee, but bad that funnyman involve - he brings too much bullying drama into every event and make it toxic.
  • ccc (11/06/2017, 11:25) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well deserved
  • @tis good and bad (11/06/2017, 11:45) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
    you're right. Funnyman natural bullying hardheaded inclinations always overshadow and take away from the meaning, beauty, and true essence of the event.
    • Eyes. (11/06/2017, 16:15) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
      I'm glad Carrot bay gone. That was a waste of parking. No historical significance.. Just politicians wasting Tax payers Money..
      • Really (11/06/2017, 19:15) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        please go and sit your silly self down carrot bay is not a festival it is a cultural fiesta get it in your dummy head of yours
  • belonger (11/06/2017, 13:13) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Now why you all have to put negative overtuns in the festival villages naming. The ppl are well deserving.
  • Street Reporter. Grant the man. (11/06/2017, 16:10) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    I love the dates.. Starts on pay day ends on pay day..Excellent.. Grant you are brilliant..One thing though. Mr Melee should have been the honouree and be Celebrated as the festival Name for Both Road town and Easy End....This should B Melee's year exclusive.. Honor the other person next year...Make sure Local bands play good music..hold them responsible for tax payers money..Let them know that just been local is not enough... Force them to practice and come good and stay together... Get their band members if two or more members playing in more than one band, that's not a band...Time for us to take this music and band thing serious.. Just don't have them come together to make a money and play garbage... Depending on you Grant.. Serious..
  • Andrew Cox Sr (11/06/2017, 16:17) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wonderful !!!! Great

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