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20 complete Leak Detection Workshop led by Water Research Centre

The participants of the Leak Detection Workshop completed the practical segment on December 20, 2024, to wrap up their training after 10 days of classroom training and hands-on field experience. Photo: RDA/Facebook
Some of the participants of the Leak Detection Workshop. Photo: Facebook
Some of the participants of the Leak Detection Workshop. Photo: Facebook
Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Kye M. Rymer (R5), right, said in July 2024, that leak detection is an ongoing challenge, and it is essential to critically understand why some persons are not receiving water. Photo: GIS/VINO/File
Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Kye M. Rymer (R5), right, said in July 2024, that leak detection is an ongoing challenge, and it is essential to critically understand why some persons are not receiving water. Photo: GIS/VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Twenty (20) participants from the Water and Sewage Department, Department of Facilities Management, Cyril B. Romney Tortola Pier Park, and His Majesty's Prison have completed a comprehensive Leak Detection Workshop organised by the Virgin Islands Recovery and Development Agency (RDA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Communications and Works and led by Water Research Centre (WRc).

The participants completed the practical segment on December 20, 2024, to wrap up their training after 10 days of classroom training and hands-on field experience.

According to the RDA, the attendees enhanced their proficiency in identifying leaks, employing cutting-edge technology and equipment for safety and operations to carry out thorough leak detection assessments effectively and able to perform remedial works later on.

‘Quite a lot of leaks on the system’- Hon Kye M. Rymer

Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Kye M. Rymer (R5) said on July 11, 2024, that leak detection is an ongoing challenge in the territory, and it is essential to critically understand why some persons are not receiving water.

“We have embarked on this project because we understand that there is quite a lot of theft but there is quite a lot of leaks on the system and it is essential for us to identify those,” he said.
The Works Minister added, “There needs to be a holistic approach in terms of leak detection throughout the Territory, knowing that we have age-old infrastructure”.

Meanwhile, the RDA said it was delighted for the continuous partnership with the Government of the Virgin Islands in implementing programmes that enhance the technical expertise of the public and private sectors in management of the territory's water infrastructure.

12 Responses to “20 complete Leak Detection Workshop led by Water Research Centre”

  • one eye (01/01/2025, 15:08) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Nothing has changed after the work shop
  • Streups (01/01/2025, 15:34) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    What happen to the water supply for Sea Cow's Bay man?
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (01/01/2025, 15:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    In reference to the Topic Issue:. In all 9 district of the BVI for many past water leakage has been, and presently is a major project. Multi-millions of gallons of water have been lost over the years, and presently thousands we are being losing even this day, January 1, 2025.

    A matter of fact the intire British Virgin Islands public water system needs a complete upgrade, from east to south to west to north, and in between. This is factually known for approximately the last 25 years, especially the last 10, and extremely so over the last 5 years.

    "Quite A Lot (He means many) Of Leaks On (He means in) The System- Hon. kye Rymer.

    Where we are at now, in reference to our water shortage problems are well known, but have for many years been ignored. All pretending of the facts should not be accepted a true accountibility by the VIP government now in power.

    It is time for the people of the British Virgin Islands to stop waiting on nothing, and do positive things so that somethings will be worth waiting for. Our future begin now.

    Empty political promises comforts fools, only.

    I still love you.

  • Leak detection? (01/01/2025, 16:12) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply long is the leak by the bridge gointo run before anyone does any detecting. That has been there going on 3 wks...
  • See here (01/01/2025, 16:12) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    There's a leak going up Hope Hill for the past couple months.

    You don't need a workshop to detect that.
  • Stealth (01/01/2025, 16:57) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Inarguably, leaks are wasteful, costly,adversely impacting operational costs, resulting in the unreliability of supply to customers. To minimize loss, the water infrastructure should be effectively a) properly designed, b,) maintained and repaired. In addition, Water and Sewage Department needs to restructure its leakage reporting and response requirements, etc. All leaks must be repaired as soon as practical. It is gross negligence and poor management to let to let leaks run for days. Unauthorized connections and thefts of water are serious offenses and should be strong,dealt with. Will the W&SD ever become self-sufficient or self- supporting without large subsidies from the Central Government W&SD should establish a licensing certification programme for maintenance and repair techs . This will enable workers to work on system without contamination of the water supply.
  • Also.... (01/01/2025, 18:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Water & Sewage Department also need to check all meters across the territory are recording usage. There are many meters that have been broken for years & give "zero" readings, despite the properties using water. Hence those accounts don't pay for the water they use. How much money is not collected because of this?!
  • Obviously (01/01/2025, 19:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This course teaches detection, the next course will deal with authority to acquire resources, then the next course will teach authentication of information and local approval, the overtime requirement and agreement of access to property public approval road closures, trenching traffic control and then there’s no leak anymore because the tanks empty.
  • HMMM (01/01/2025, 22:36) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hope hill do not have water for weeks and people have children and newborn babies you all wicked
  • ——————————— (02/01/2025, 00:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Kye is weak he can no longer handle that ministry please give it to Fraser
  • asking for a friend (02/01/2025, 07:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    what was the cost of the project?

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