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10,234 vaccines given; 4 active COVID-19 cases in VI

10, 234 COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in the Virgin Islands. Photo: Medical News Today
The Virgin Islands currently has 4 active cases of COVID-19, all of which are asymptomatic, the Government of the Virgin Islands has informed today, April 27, 2021. Photo: Facebook
The Virgin Islands currently has 4 active cases of COVID-19, all of which are asymptomatic, the Government of the Virgin Islands has informed today, April 27, 2021. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The Virgin Islands currently has 4 active cases of COVID-19, all of which are asymptomatic, the Government of the Virgin Islands has informed today, April 27, 2021.

According to the Territory's Epidemiological Summary, all of the 4 positive cases are on Tortola. This means 6 cases have recovered since the last update.

There have now been 194 recorded COVID-19 cases in the VI and 189 have recovered. One person has died.

Some 37,787 samples from 37,011 persons have been tested at Dr D. Orlando Smith Hospital Laboratory.

9,883 first doses & 351 second doses

Additionally, it has been revealed that 10, 234 vaccines have been administered in the territory.

9,883 first doses have been administered and 351 second doses given.

Vaccination in the Virgin Islands is not mandatory; however, the government has been encouraging the population to get vaccinated in order for the economy to reopen quicker and for herd immunity to be developed.

26 Responses to “10,234 vaccines given; 4 active COVID-19 cases in VI”

  • trrefdrfds (27/04/2021, 19:14) Like (1) Dislike (6) Reply
    I support cou not vacation
  • Sceptical (27/04/2021, 20:12) Like (12) Dislike (4) Reply
    Good news so far, but are you sure only four (4) active cases. Did your examine all the people that are living among us? You should instead report four (4) known cases. Thanks for your good efforts on this matter.
  • Toxic Vaccines (27/04/2021, 20:19) Like (33) Dislike (14) Reply
    Dont be fooled or brainwashed, do your own reserach on these vaccines
    • @Toxic Vaccines (28/04/2021, 07:21) Like (4) Dislike (25) Reply
      Why are you encouraging people with zero expertise to research something when experts have said to take the jab? It makes zero sense and comes across as very ignorant.
      • gfdfdggfdgfdgfdg (28/04/2021, 08:57) Like (20) Dislike (3) Reply
        experts also say dont take it
        • @hmmm (28/04/2021, 12:00) Like (1) Dislike (9) Reply
          No they don’t. Why is this ignorance so prevalent here? I really don’t get it.
      • @Toxic Vaccines (28/04/2021, 21:15) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        Covid 19 Vaccine

        - Does Not Provide Immunity
        - Does Not Eliminate The Virus
        - Does Not Eliminate Mask Wearing & Social Distancing
        - Does Not Prevent You From Passing It On To Others
        - Does Not Guarantee You Won't Get It
        - Does Not Prevent Death

    • Lucifer (28/04/2021, 08:24) Like (0) Dislike (9) Reply
      Yes, do your research but it the research comes out in favour of the vaccines it can be ignored. That's what you really mean isn't it?
    • Rubber Duck (28/04/2021, 09:01) Like (5) Dislike (11) Reply
      The type of research the average person can do is to look at what has happened where they have been widely used. In both Israel and the UK the epidemic is largely over because of vaccines. There are no reports of serious side effects in the almost 50 million vaccinated in those two countries.

  • Vaccinated (27/04/2021, 21:16) Like (21) Dislike (28) Reply
    What is wrong with some of you people in the BVI, stop talking nonsense and take the vaccine, so we can come back to some kind of normal, the have never seen so much stupidity on n my life, I hope if you don’t take the vaccine they isolate you dum ass.
    • @vaccinated (28/04/2021, 08:00) Like (37) Dislike (3) Reply
      Normal is not coming back, get over it. Can't you see the world is being controlled by WHO, DAVOS, The UN, and World Economic Forum? This Covid19 is a depopulation plan, and the vaccines are integeral. In 1950's there were only polio, small pox vaccines, now there are dozens of vaccines given to children, why is that? What is in them? Why did my mom live to 91 without all those vaccines? Hmmmm oh why am I living fine only with small pox and polio?? Is it $$$ made by the big medicine makers? Or is it systemic poisoning of our children so they have to go to the medical people and give them all their money to get well, after the vaccines make them sick? What are all those shots for?? How did mankind ever survive 6,000 years without all those?? Oh, perhaps the immune system God gave His creation worked fine. . . But now Science is GOD and SCIENCE will save? hmmm Jesus is coming back soon, be ready or you are not going to heaven.
      • 007 (28/04/2021, 09:29) Like (0) Dislike (15) Reply
        Too stupid for words
      • Is that a real question? (28/04/2021, 09:50) Like (1) Dislike (45) Reply
        @vaccinated.... 'how did mankind ever survive 6,000 years without all those?' ..... If Covid was left to run rampant not everyone would die... A LOT of people would die, a lot of people HAVE died, without the vaccine a lot MORE people would die. Yes people survived without vaccines, but the population of the world was nowhere near what it is now.... what is the main reason for lower infant mortality rates and longer lives now compared to back then.... SCIENCE!
    • @vaccinated (28/04/2021, 21:33) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply

      REVELATION 1:8


      REVELATION 12:12


  • Knows (27/04/2021, 22:07) Like (7) Dislike (7) Reply
    "Herd immunity" haha haha who know, knows. Who aint know will wonder
  • Hope (27/04/2021, 22:52) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
    I hope you all see what is going on in India.
    • Set up in India. War Crime.. (28/04/2021, 05:55) Like (46) Dislike (1) Reply
      Something look so fishy about whats going on in India, All the Vaccine are manufactured in India.. I think they let go something in India..Something get away and is in the Air....the second largest popultion in the world, its a good start to reducing world population...
    • rewrsdffds (28/04/2021, 08:38) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Look at Worldometer

      Look at India

      Click on deaths from Covid 19 per million persons you will find 145 persons per million per day are dying of Covid19

      Look at where India is on that list of deaths per million. . . it is #119

      Look at USA. deaths per million 1,766 look where USA is on the lists of deaths per million. . .

      Look at UK numbers, which are worse than USA. Yeah go look, get informed.

      Stop fear mongering.
  • Alright (28/04/2021, 00:06) Like (14) Dislike (15) Reply
    Now 10,000 or more go hurry up and take it so they can reach their 70-80% goal
    • Civil servants is our problem.. (28/04/2021, 05:50) Like (8) Dislike (17) Reply
      Since the pandemic started, our problem is been civil servants who keep calling for govt to lockdown in the early period for every little thing because their pay sure, now we moving forward pass the lock down, those same civil servants are pushing the anti vaccine campaign, because their salaries are sure, they are hampering tbe country's progress with tbeir selfish and negative attitude..That need to addressed...
  • NezRez (28/04/2021, 16:08) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Bullying is NOT ALLOWED! It is everyone's right to jab or not to. Some feel the jab will help some feel it will harm them. You people calling people names whether yeah or nay, is bullying at its worst. Do what you feel is right for you and leave others alone. Their lives, not yours. If you don't like a persons decision, well......who in the hell are you? I bet no one can force you to do anything you don't want to. Two faced!
  • gates (28/04/2021, 21:17) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Get his wish in India ....
  • SB (28/04/2021, 23:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I don’t know why you all don’t shut up! It’s a personal choice let the people vax up to achieve herd immunity. If you not taking it feel good for yourself and encourage others to take it.

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