10 RVIPF Officers certified to train in TASER use

The RVIPF, now equipped with 25 new TASERS, are awaiting the passage of an amendment to Police Act to put into use this less-lethal option for restraining violent offenders.
The new weapons are equipped with video cameras that activate when the weapon is drawn and safety holsters that render the weapons inoperable when being worn on the utility belt. The cameras allow for an accurate review of the circumstances surrounding any incident to determine if the officer acted appropriately and justifiably.
Staff Instructor for TASER International Michael Dzezinski led the two-day, on-island training for the ten officers which included one day of classroom instruction and one day in the field using the equipment behind the Marine Centre at H. Lavity Stoutt Community College.
Inspector Ernest Gumbs shared his satisfaction to see the addition of these new weapons to the Force. As head of the Police Armory Inspector Gumbs noted that with these new weapons, the Territory will now be in compliance with the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement as laid out by the United Nation Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (1990).
He noted in its general provision on the use of force and firearms that the U.N. Resolution calls on Governments and law enforcement agencies to develop a range of means as broad as possible and equip law enforcement officials with various types of weapons and ammunition that would allow for a differentiated use of force and firearms.
These should include the development of non-lethal incapacitating weapons for use in appropriate situations, with a view to increasingly restraining the application of means capable of causing death or injury to persons.
“TASERS give our officers an alternative for subduing violent subjects and protecting the public from potentially violent offenders. Presently, the only choices available are a metal extendable baton, pepper spray or a lethal firearm. In a community where officers are generally unarmed, this is a welcomed addition to their list of equipment,” Gumbs said.
Commissioner of Police David Morris expects that the TASERS will enhance his officers’ ability to respond to potentially violent incidences at the same time reduce the chances of injuries to all parties.
“Our society, when compared to many other jurisdictions, is still fairly safe. Nevertheless, my officers from time to time have to respond to situations where they must tolerate violence from an assailant in order to either prevent further injury to a member of the public or to remove a potentially violent offender from a public space. Now, they have an option that restrains a suspect and at the same time reduces the chances of injury to all parties.
Officers were instructed on the very strict ‘use of force’ policy which applies to these weapons and the rules of accountability to be adhered to when these weapons are discharged.



3 Responses to “10 RVIPF Officers certified to train in TASER use”
That fat one look S....