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The question of making COVID-19 an excuse for abuse

- Truth for the Youth-BVP… Sat - 6pm – 7pm on CBN 90.9 FM;
Alred C. Frett. Photo: VINO/File
Alred C. Frett

Making Right wrong or Scapegoating Uncle Tom:

Sincere thanks and empathy to all those persons and businesses who are helping others even as they struggle and suffer through this Covid-19 pandemic and other disasters… We remain in this together and should be concerned about a potentially bad hurricane season so all I am doing is using our past, present and future to deal with issues with the hope of avoiding dangers.

Virgin Islands’ youth may not recognise flags of slavery or the lack of respect for Noel Lloyd’s Wickham’s Cay and other signs of oppression but thanks to the God of nature and laws of balance, suffering Blacks across the world are beginning to see a flipping of the script… Cancellations of Caribbean Emancipation and USA Independence celebrations herald karma to balance the injustices.

The writing is on the wall and who can’t fool you can’t rule you so there will always be those ready and willing to force you into ridiculing wisdom and choosing folly… This is neither accidental nor new – It was the same technique used in having us believe that being called an ‘Uncle Tom’ meant we were bad and traitors to our people when the term actually meant a saviour to his kind.

Fact is, Uncle Tom’s cabin was the tale of a freed slave who protected and freed other slaves from mistreatment; this angered slave owners and although they knew most of us were unable to read, they still burnt the Book and made up a lie showing Tom as the exact opposite – As children, we were taught their version so please research for yourselves for I am unable to tell you everything.

Choosing between the making of Dictatorships or the finding of Self:

Unfortunately, many of us still limit ourselves to following like sheep and only believing what they tell us… No wonder, we blame persons for following Trumpism even as we are quick to condemn our own people if they think for themselves or query the actions of our leaders… Some of us even suggest that anyone daring to question the authorities should be exiled from their own country.

Of course, this is the basis for dictatorships and every citizen should be concerned when others across the world are finally recognising the danger and seeking to curb the powers of the police while we appear eager to increase their power and immunity… We should be terrified if such a force is controlled by colonial powers, made up of non-locals with no love or loyalty for us.

Remember, life is bigger than you or me and I certainly do not force things to happen… I simply sound warnings to enlighten our people and trust that those accountable will avoid the problems… Facts are facts and whether it’s about Trump destroying America, the danger to our education, the present dilemma of NHI or the potential damage of the new Medical Act; I simply speak truth.

COVID-19 is changing the way we think and live as it remains elusive to ways and means for its control or defeat but COVID-19 is not the only killer… Many persons are dying from other chronic illnesses along with the amplified stress of abrupt changes in social conditions to a point of uncertainty that disrupts the natural order and threatens the health and well-being of individuals and businesses.

The Ambitious decision to Wreck or Rescue NHI:

Promises are easier to make than to keep and in a pandemic such as this, there are only two real groups of essential workers – Food Suppliers and Health Care Providers – so Consumer Protection and improvements to NHI can be positive steps… However, we must still be wary as the costs of medications skyrocket and NHI imposes regulations that restrict access to medical care. 

No amount of complaints, blame or finger-pointing will fix NHI without first acknowledging the root causes of the problems and applying the appropriate solutions… This may be easier said than done for like the proposed Medical Act, some may recall my opposition to the hype, stubbornness, greed and self-interest surrounding the NHI Act as exhibited by both the Government and Private Sector.

From the beginning, the Government argued that NHI would create a Government Bonanza like Social Security and pay off all hospital and public health expenses in short order… In the process, their hook was to promise private providers that they too would ‘make a killing’ and I was painted as the bad guy for saying that we should first ensure the cost-effectiveness and sustainability for the patients.

In the end, my cautions were disregarded and they passed the NHI Act which left me no choice but to obey their decision… I had nothing to do with the existing conditions or the setting of prices – As far as I am aware, these were done unilaterally by the NHI Committee and should not be blamed on others… As part of the process, hospital and public health would receive an automatic monthly sum.

However, private providers would have to submit their claims for scrutiny and be subjected to rejection and haphazard payment delays – as long as six months… Again, although we set neither prices nor conditions, I repeatedly tried to save both patients and the scheme money so I still prefer to focus on providing health care rather than be entangled in misguided accusations.

Such a mentality is already causing the scheme to spend a dollar in their quest to save a dime and with government agencies being the only ones consistently paid by NHI, it would be unfair to blame private providers as being the ones to bankrupt Government… We are all in the same crisis; our people need care so if we are going to fix NHI then let’s do so without further hurting these People.

PS: I will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes

4 Responses to “ The question of making COVID-19 an excuse for abuse”

  • pat (14/07/2020, 07:49) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree with mr Frett
  • Heha (14/07/2020, 07:58) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    You can’t see people are afraid of to be victims Of free speech . See how silent the churches have become on gambling and other policies implemented in the house . Where are all the church leaders who must hold up the mirror of righteous to save a nation . Is this a godly act ? Or perhaps they getting a cut from the stimulus package . Heha. So nobody braying
  • mwanake (14/07/2020, 17:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    once again Mr. Frett is onto something that many seem to lost sight of. please continue to speak truth. eventually truth will win.
  • Agree (15/07/2020, 06:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Everything you have said is on point. And yes people in the VI are afraid of being victims of speaking out, which is understandable. I have been victimized for speaking truth as I have seen and experienced it. It's never a great experience and not one person will come to your aid because they are afraid to go against the establishment. What I don't get though is why people then are always complaining, yet refuse to take a stand to prevent further loss of our culture and economy. If we could only understand how to use our voices and resources collectively, we would be much stronger. Unity is everything. And sometimes it does take a revolution to make a solution, as we are somewhat seeing in the US.

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