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Emancipation celebrations & fake representation

- Truth for the Youth-BVP… Sat - 6pm – 7pm on CBN 90.9 FM
Alred C. Frett. Photo: VINO/File
Alred C. Frett

Still awaiting the Promise of Freedom:

We have a conditional allergy to Truth, so it took me endless months of explaining that CoI is an unfinished Fiasco, and, it was only because we were broke, and the UK was broke, that we were having Fake Elections… Now that you finally heard these admissions from the Governor and Government, there should be no doubt that we exist under Fake Representation, and they are now squandering real Money and Time.

Meanwhile, their Political Laws and Policies are designed to destroy our ambition, and make us easier to be programmed into accepting Political Lies and Religious Promises of Life after Death… Clearly, these Man-made Gods and Laws are for the sole purpose of having us work against our own interests, with the objective of having us exchange the only Life we know, for a Fantasy concocted by those who have always hated us.

Think about it... As Slaves, our Forefathers were forced to disavow all Earthly Possessions so, although they worked from sun-up to sun-down, they owned nothing... It was only after many generations and long years of struggles that we finally reached the point of being regarded as the owners of less than a tenth of what we worked for… Today, the forces of Evil are aligning against us in their efforts to turn back the hands of time.

Where we once saw Hope and Progress, we now see our hard Work being undone, and those we look to for guidance, are back to using Massa’s Games to keep us in bondage and place us back into Slavery... They promise that by being blind, deaf, and dumb, we will inherit the Earth, and they call it being humble… Next, we can fool ourselves that Slavery Agendas of Trump, DeSantis, Thomas and others, will simply disappear.

Why should they help Us when we fail to help Ourselves?

Clearly, our Frenemies regard us as useful Idiots, and stand ready to re-indoctrinate us into the lies that say, ‘we are nothing without them, and Slavery was so good for us that we should be anxious to be re-enslaved… Apparently, our own Leaders share this mentality, so, instead of solving problems, they gather us in square rooms and round tables, just to hear ourselves bleat and perpetuate the same old foolishness.

We call this being brilliant, but if we are so smart, why would we expect the UK to care about our Children, when her only solution is for them to be in Prison?... And, if we truly believe in generational responsibility and leading by example, why are we so anxious to condemn these Children for Simple Crimes and Drugs, when we may be the examples that they follow? Won’t we be far better off, with our Jails empty and our Jobs full?

If the aim is to destroy the VI’s Children, then thanks to fake Elections, they are off to a good start… We seem to have forgotten that Slaves were only trained to be quiet and follow the Master... Maybe, all the Sweet Words and Political Promises are merely intended to lead us back to the poverty of Modern-day Slavery… There, we can waste our lives thanking them for all the Golden Ladders that they now lean up against the wrong walls.

We have walked this road before... Hopelessness is a magnet that draws us closer to God... It tricks us into thinking that less is more, and, we become so addicted to Imaginary Friends, that Religions become our Comfort Zones, and we think of Bad Laws as Good Solutions... Whether or not we are Heaven-bound or Hell-bent’, we are ready and willing to fight with everyone and anyone who dares to question our Gods or beliefs.

Who says, Forwards Ever & Backwards Never?

Just think about it, and don’t ever forget that no matter how hard the Slaves worked, they were destined to own absolutely nothing... The Struggle continues, and whenever Governments play the role of Master rather than Servant, the spiral is always downwards... If the intent is to destroy our Economy, our People and our Country, then they could not have chosen better adversaries than the Labour and Immigration Departments.

While Governments can neither afford or control their own Civil Servants, they are quick to micromanage Private Sector Employees... Maybe, they regard our bare survival as too much progress, so, they push our Workers to resign with 2 weeks’ notice and then, block us from getting replacements for another 2 years... They totally ignore the fact that the Private Sector is actually the one paying the Public Sector Salaries.

In other words, whenever Governments talk of giving Civil Servants raises or Increments, that is a warning that the Private Sector will be hit for even more in Taxes, NHI and Social Security, for services they do not receive… In fact, Private Providers are already forced to carry Government’s load and responsibility, as NHI continues to owe them in excess of 4 months while still being forced to pay excessive Government Dues.

You may ask why the Providers won’t simply discontinue their Services... It’s a fair question but, #1 – We try not to withhold Medical Care from anyone, and, #2 – The Government has made itself the sole Paymaster, and by owing the Providers so much, they essentially hold them hostage... They know it’s wrong, but who cares? Government has the Bully Pulpit, so they fool the Public into believing that the Providers are at fault.

Are we witnessing the end of an Era?

We live in dangerous times where Looks are deceiving, but facts will be facts... We are broke, and about to enter 3 more days of going deeper in debt… This makes us wonder whether the UK and VI Leaders are hastening the demise of the VI and its People... Should we be extra concerned when they access Monies to squander, and should we be terrified when they clear the Palmgrove Lot without contacting the VI Owners.

While such moves may be innocent, they can also be the early warning signs of a Government that is selling out the Birthrights of its People… They shout Emancipation!.. We ask, Where?… Are the children still paying to enter the Festival Village to celebrate their Freedom?… Is it possible that the UK and BVIG are playing games and setting Traps, to find more excuses to increase Taxes and Fines on an already suffering People?

Today’s focus should be on replacing hindrances and obstacles with help and progress, because there is a belief that Civilizations repeatedly destroy themselves, and our turn is next... This may be mere speculation, for we will never know since no one lives that long... However, if the land-eroding Floods and record-breaking Temperatures continue, we may all starve to death as Farmers become unable to grow enough to feed us.

Not all we see is all there is… Life goes on, and we are hooked on seeing bad things as good… Sometimes the Dancers don’t have the Dollars to see the Show, so they perform for those who do… Soon, it’s all over, and they retire… Many will call it Emancipation Celebrations, and our Bands and Naked Girls will parade in the Street… The Effects will last a week or two, but Costs and Fake Representations may plague us much longer.

PS: Will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes

5 Responses to “ Emancipation celebrations & fake representation”

  • HMMM (31/07/2023, 15:15) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree
  • Eldread (31/07/2023, 15:15) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Brother it's good to read of someone this conscious of the world we live in. Especially your comment of a god given to us by colonialism, because from Africa to south America the most colonial god consumer is in dire poverty, and USA and others who do push religion is wealthy. The colonial book make us think it's holy to be poor and wrong to rich, so we don't go near white sandy beaches to build our homes we choose a congested ghetto forced upon us, and they take it all, so they are trading real estate on the stock market generating wealth while perpetual poverty engulf us for consuming their fantasy religious gods of a particular ethnic extraction that further deify them. But brother keep on writing to emancipate your people, and I will let you know that no church pastor ever preach a sermon so touching as you, love to you my brother.
  • hmm (31/07/2023, 18:01) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr. Frett this one hit home hard. The quicker we realize the two worst evils against the BVI are our own Government and our own selves the better it will be for us. The UK government couldn’t care less for
    us other than to protect their own reputation. The worst is to be mentally colonized and abused by your own and yourself.
  • pat (31/07/2023, 22:26) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is one of the few people who has facts and love people the rest of them is just talk
  • prepare (02/08/2023, 08:45) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thank you from afar. You are strong enough to deliver the truth that is upon all of the world.

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